Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I can wear you thin
wear the soles off your shelter
scrape your knee's against gravel
make you grovel
praise be to lobotomist,
sandblasting your dreams straight from your skull
wear the sheets you lie in
robes from developing nations
to coat such surreal hatred for my own short comings
caught up in the sway of tree's
in neighboring lawns
watering the saplings from nuclear warfare
dwindling obelisks crash far into the depths of the sea
tremors bury the pillars amongst the pirates of yesteryear
rib cages will rattle with the echoing silence of self solitude
emptiness becomes you
emptiness became me
emptiness is the end of the line
a world so shattered and torn
the end of the line
tooth and nail, rank and file,
march the death trail
head high and proud for a nation with its beliefs
lost in the ambitions of generations gone sour