Friday, July 25, 2008


and the generations
they age on
pillars set in stone, begin their decline
into the such soft soil
the same soil we let our souls
plant their children in.
to grow into worthless wastes of space
causing mayhem amongst the already born
each day, a new dawn
each dawn a new place caught in upheaval
the spawn of Christianity
and matrimony
becomes the axe splitting skulls
leaving crimson hope along the stateliness
when a hearts caught against a current
it cant seem to become the salmon
and is left to float gently back
to the once safe home it knew

but this fucking heart of mine
I let it shine on thine eyes
and im no fucking quitter
and you'll feel my embrace again
whether it be around your neck
or waist
ill hold tight, onto that strand
of hope you let drop to my grasp
my heart could portray
more than you could ever imagine
i'm one of the blessed
immersed in a puddle of greed
corruption calls my name
I choose to ignore
and follow my own plight.

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