Monday, March 30, 2009


im collecting skulls and remains
from Bostons stars
theyve been drowned out
by the impending crusifxtion
of all that harbors honesty.

the effort i've presetned
in hopes to save you
has been washed out
bleach and iodine
prove me useless
prove me irrelevant

I miss those stars
guiding what was left of compassion
night skies are empty
and dreams lay barren
crime remains the closest contact

lost in the changing seasons
the scent of rejection lays heavy
amongst spring
the stars fall to their deaths
foul amongst farm
capital amongst an empty sea

the guiding voices we all turn to
are mute and have withdrawn
leaving a trail of blood
and a filthy city dirty with regret.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Vol. 3

The Redder The Deader

Saturday, March 28, 2009


crush crustacean bodies along shorelines
create the earth beneath your feet
and rip the existence from a creature
just to feel the strength of a god
we play this game with our faces to the sky
beautiful wrenching sound amongst
our palms are we hold index finger to index finger
I cant feel my own regrets
I can feel the skin slip off your bones
i've collected so many teeth
i've harbored my regrets in every person I cross
the environment is breathing with my hatred
every chance, a certainty
your faith is my crutch
as I cross oceans of beliefs and dreams
just to shattered the ignorance you try to personify
give him life
give him legend
give him fiction
give him reality
but what good do these do for a dead man
give me life
give me legend
give me fiction
give me death.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Vol. 2

What The Saint Patricks Day Parade Has To Offer Us All.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


once steadfast and honored thoughts
now become frail with the clocks whim of loss
the innocent is lost between the witching hour
influence and promise hang their coats
on doors made of salvaged human skin
organs decorate the last supper upon dishes of
greed, and vanity
our liver and kidneys disobey the command
finding themselves en route to another mass
fair trades and farewells imprint their short lived memories
Hades takes our skeletal hands and leads us forth
Styx and stones may break our exoskeleton
but forewarned words
never reach their destination
it's the pleasure of our stature
to watch you decay in your own homes
penniless thieves we train you to be
psycho's you turn out to be
this laughter
is that of a million unwed souls wishing their last
was between bedsheets of loves forgotten.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Vol. 1

Urban Intelligence, It has taught the youth how to spell swear words really well.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I can wear you thin
wear the soles off your shelter
scrape your knee's against gravel
make you grovel
praise be to lobotomist,
sandblasting your dreams straight from your skull
wear the sheets you lie in
robes from developing nations
to coat such surreal hatred for my own short comings
caught up in the sway of tree's
in neighboring lawns
watering the saplings from nuclear warfare
dwindling obelisks crash far into the depths of the sea
tremors bury the pillars amongst the pirates of yesteryear
rib cages will rattle with the echoing silence of self solitude
emptiness becomes you
emptiness became me
emptiness is the end of the line
a world so shattered and torn
the end of the line
tooth and nail, rank and file,
march the death trail
head high and proud for a nation with its beliefs
lost in the ambitions of generations gone sour

Sunday, March 1, 2009


fresh fruit from rotting succubi
weathered tomes and unearthed graves
this day and our daily bread
are focal points for our nations god
the figment so seperated from state
that our trespasses have been forgiven
but the equality I stomach deep in these covers
has enveloped my self loathing
and brought me to my knee's to worship in jest

frail minds brood false ideals

but wagging war along picket lines
with pistols and hand grenades
leaves the praise for those to scared to speak their minds
my peers ability to form singular opinions
from the depths of their make up
is deader than the horse our god rode in on
those that treat the goblet with fear
follow the whims of those who hold the blood